On January 29, 2025, in Prayagraj, India, @rameshchandra_1990 shared a video of a stampede during the Mahakumbh Mela religious festival. In the video, a massive crowd, including women and children, is ...
Millions of devout Hindus thronged the northern Indian city of Prayagraj on Thursday (Jan 30) for the Maha Kumbh festival, a day after dozens died in a stampede at the largest gathering of humanity in ...
Subhro Niyogi is a Senior Assistant Editor at The Times of India, and his job responsibilities include reporting, editing and coordination of news and news features. His hobbies include photography, ...
Devotees from across the world are flocking to Prayagraj to participate in the Maha Kumbh celebrations and lauded the management for effectively organising the grand-scale event. Yulia from Moscow ...